Hey all!
Two announcements today for Summer of Sonic 2016 events:
Crush 40 Performance

Crush 40 will once again be hitting the main stage at Summer of Sonic stage this year, performing their hits from over 15 years of Sonic the Hedgehog soundtracks!
As with past events, the performance will close out the show, so be sure to stick around and rock out with Jun and Johnny until the end of the day!
History of Summer of Sonic Panel

Hello everyone, Kevin “AAUK” Eva here! You may remember me from my days as SEGA of Europe Community Manager, and a time when Werehogs roamed the land. I have been resurrected by the powers of Summer of Sonic to bring you not one, but two announcements!
Summer of Sonic is unique and amazing event, starting as a fan gather that eventually forged a fantastic partnership between SEGA and the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom. This year marks the tenth anniversary of Summer of Sonic, from it’s inception as an online event created by Svend Joscelyne, and ten years since the first idea of Summer of Sonic as a convention was coined in a little tea room in Nottingham.
At Summer of Sonic 2016 we invite you to join myself along with Summer of Sonic Coordinators Svend Joscelyne and Adam Tuff for a special panel to discuss the History of SOS. From upstart early days to present, relive ten years plus of funny moments and untold behind the scenes stories both from the community and SEGA sides about the creation of a convention that defied convention.
As our roster of events has grown so massive, for the first time in Summer of Sonic history, we will have a dedicated second stage which will play host to panels and interviews throughout the day. Yup, Summer of Sonic is essentially going to have a second track. We have limited space in the second second stage room, so entry will be allowed on a first-come, first-served basis.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Kevin, Adam & Svend