Hey all!
A quick update for the bank holiday weekend. Thank you all for your patience between updates – we are busy doing all of the boring parts of the organisation at the moment, such as booking flights and hotels for our guests, paying invoices and arranging hire of equipment.
We will be letting you all know next month what you need to do to generate your tickets and select like T-shirt sizes – we know a lot of you are itching to get your tickets sorted, but we promise we will give you plenty of time to do so…stay tuned!
We continue our Sonic the Comic theme with our next guest announcement!
Ferran Rodriguez

We are pleased to welcome Ferran back to Summer of Sonic, who will once again be joining us from sunny Catalonia! Ferran’s contributions to STC stretch all of the way back to the very early days of the first issues, with his trademark style featuring in many strips, posters and comic covers. Like our other STC artists, Ferran is a veteran of illustration, have worked on producing a number of works for franchises including Disney and Angry Birds.
Calling All Animators!
Summer of Sonic has prided itself on being a platform to showcase the talents of the community…and this year is no different! In the past we have had fantastic shorts from the likes of BoozermaN, Frobman and Sonic Paradox, and this year we would love to play more examples of fan creativity.
If you have an animated short you would like to see showcased at Summer of Sonic, get in touch with us via support@summerofsonic.com.
See you in June for more guest and event announcements!
Adam & Svend